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The Importance Of Luck

This post is courtesy our guest writer, Arjun Thimmaya!

Congratulations! If you’re alive and reading this...which you are, you already got some luck on your side. For the soul peasants (joyless, tedious, finger-pointers), the belief in the importance of luck overwhelms only when they sense its lacking. I don’t think you’re a soul peasant. Unless you also consider getting lucky requires years of struggling and suffering. No, no, that’s hard work.

Life is chaos. The number of permutations and combinations that have worked their way in favoring me or you to be where we are in the world’s present scenario, is well beyond my limited mathematical capability. Those gigantic odds steer my belief towards pure luck over a divine intervention or an over-powered, all-knowing puppeteer.

Do insecure virgins ever get to inhale their lover’s scent? Is a sleepless single child ever reassured by a sibling’s gentle snores? Who reads an orphan their bed time stories or coaxes them out of a sulky mood? Does the presence of a genuine friend sometimes mean more than anything else in the world? These aren’t life’s little luxuries. Some people just got a taste of luck. There are so many more unfortunate ones, who would exchange all their worldly possessions, for a shot at the real thing.

Pay heed though, day dreaming about the ‘lucky’ past is a dangerous pastime. Over time, it has a way of corrupting thoughts. Some memories must be held onto like a treasured gem, but polishing it too much will only diminish its value. We must strive to make even more gems, to create and have them flourish with others. Else, one day, there won’t be anything for us to be fondly remembered by once our ‘luck’ runs out completely. Heck, if something makes you fleetingly smile once in a while.... you’re lucky.

Being afraid of heights, suffering from a deadly case of arachnophobia are all by-products of generations of evolution/ trial and error/ hit and miss/ pure fucking luck. Respect it and listen to intuition. Someone got lucky before us, literally and figuratively, hence we are here today. However, another type of fear is the real enemy. The fear to smile and risk vulnerability. The fear of feeling good now because it might hurt a little later. This fear weakens us, makes every day tedious. It transforms the adventure of life into a waiting room. We must treat a mental routine like a slow-moving stealthy foe, you won’t even feel it bleeding you dry, up until it’s too late.

‘Nonsense’, you ponder. What if it actually is too late? What if luck just isn’t finding its way to you? What if you can’t do anything? What if there is no escape? Now, I must lean on the tough-loving thoughts of Hunter S. Thompson, who pointed to the only two choices one faces in life:

(a) Either, realize that change is imperative in improving one’s existence and more importantly, incorporating said change as quickly as possible. Or,

(b) Gracefully accept that the present state of one’s affairs has been brought about due to our own inaction and learn to accept things for the way they are.

Everyone else seems to be doing it, right?

But we don’t need to live life like a victim. Dear reader, when luck does come knocking, you might not hear it. Or you might be tending to a different door. Be careful, the knocks will be faint. You must let luck in. Grab it and make the change you know you owe yourself. Don’t die a soul peasant.

Did you let luck in when it knocked on your door?

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